Economic Studies Ops

SME digital economic outlook

In Malaysia’s dynamic business landscape, SMEs can become disruptors, be disrupted or continue to operate in the business-as-usual (BAU) ways...

Inflation dynamics and its effects on economy

After nearly two years of low consumer prices and falling pro­ducer prices, their steady rise in the first quarter of this year sug­gests that higher inflation...

EMD economies bracing for more challenges

While the recent surge in ex­ports and strengthening demand across most economies have buoyed expectations that the global economy is on an upward growth...

Globalisation marches on

While United States President Donald Trump’s threats of border taxes, immigration curbs and America First policies are seen as a roll-back of globalisation...

Embracing automation, innovation and disruptive technologies

The planned launch of the world’s first Digital Free Trade Zone in Malaysia in March this year has sparked interest not only among the wider public as consumers but also...