
Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

The University is steadfast in its dedication to furthering planetary health and sustainability, with climate action and environmental responsibility serving as cornerstone principles guiding our endeavours. Our aim is to attain a net-zero campus by 2030, underscoring our unwavering commitment to a greener future.

View Our Sustainability Strategy

View Our Climate Action Charter

Campus with a Conscience

Campus with a Conscience, initiated in 2021, is a philosophy distinctively unique to Sunway University, where concepts of sustainable development and planetary health are not just embedded in the curriculum, but is visibly seen through the actions and activities across campus. It reflects a community built upon individuals who stay accountable to our planet and its people.

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Sunway Resort Hotel

Sunway University Takes A Leading Role in Sustainable Development

Environmental sustainability is deeply ingrained in the DNA of Sunway University, and this commitment extends to the university's approach to brownfield redevelopment.

Sunway University's experience with brownfield redevelopment offers invaluable insights into the potential of these previously overlooked areas. By choosing to build on such sites, the university has shown a commitment to environmental responsibility, urban revitalization, and resource efficiency. The University has embedded sustainable practices in it's infrastructure, teaching, operations and more.

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What We Do

From addressing climate change to promoting social equity, these focus areas serve as the foundation for our endeavors. Central to our approach is the recognition that effective solutions require collaboration among community leaders and stakeholders at all levels, including campus, community, and country on a global scale.

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SDGs in Sunway University

Actively contributing to the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), developed in 2015, we derive inspiration and shape our strategy. From research and teaching to operations, our engagement encompasses communities and addresses global challenges. Explore our efforts in each goal area below.

Explore Our Efforts