Research Centres




In addition to its academic divisions, Sunway University houses several research centres and groups that pursue various research efforts across diverse fields of study. 



The Asia Pacific Centre for Hospitality Research (APCHR)

Research activities at APCHR revolve around the intersecting fields of hospitality, tourism, leisure, culinary arts and events. 

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ASEAN Microbiome Nutrition Centre (AMNC)

ASEAN Microbiome and Nutrition Centre (AMNC) is a new research engine in SE Asia dedicated to prolonging human healthspan by identifying microbial mechanisms regulating biological ageing.

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Centre for Actuarial & Analytics Research (CAAARE)

The key functions of CAAARE are to promote research activities and consultancy services to the general public, to government and the private sector. 

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Centre for Higher Education     

The Centre for Higher Education Research focuses on the future development in global higher education by way of research into educational issues.

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Centre for Research-Creation in Digital Media

This Centre is a transdisciplinary hub for creative digital media with local and international partners forming collaboratories, both physical and virtual, cutting across time and space. 

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Sunway Centre for Electrochemical Energy and Sustainable Technology

The Sunway Centre for Electrochemical Energy and Sustainable Technology exploits the outstanding properties of graphene and two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials for energy, electrical, material and biological applications.   

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Sunway Microbiome Centre (SMC)     

Sunway Microbiome Centre focuses primarily on researching pathogenic viruses and developing vaccines and antivirals against these viruses. 

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Sunway Centre For Environmental Social Governance (ESG)

This Centre aims to transform the innovative ideas of Academic Researchers to positively impact and benefit society and government in the fields of accountability and governance.

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Research Centre for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilisation

The Centre aims to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) global emissions through the synergic effects of strong and sustainable international networking and collaborations with academic and industry partners. 

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Sunway Biofunctional Molecules Discovery Centre (SBMDC)

This Centre's activities revolve around the systematic synthesis, physiochemical characterisation, and computational chemistry evaluation of a series of molecules. 

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Research Centre for Human-Machine Collaboration (HUMAC)

The research undertaken at this Centre employs a multi-disciplinary approach to finding solutions to real-life challenges by leveraging human-machine synergy. 

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Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development

The Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development is a regional center of excellence that advances the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. 

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Research Centre for Nano-Materials and Energy Technology

The Research Centre for Nano-Materials and Energy Technology supports the university’s sustainability efforts by developing nanomaterials-based new technology for sustainable energy. 

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Sunway Centre for Planetary Health

Through the Centre, Sunway University supports the commitment to planetary health through education, research, making knowledge accessible, and engaging with people across the Asia and Pacific regions. 

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