Governance Studies Press

Anwar secures party, but analysts see his PM hopes dented

Prof. James Chin stated that Anwar Ibrahim's hopes of becoming PM is not dented as he has the majority support from his party, although not from the public.

Malaysian ex-leader Najib to take stand in 1MDB trial

Prof. James Chin commented on former prime minister Najib Razak's choice on taking a testimony under oath.

Oh, the humanity: rise of robots ‘to force about-turn in academy’

The humanities will reclaim their preeminence in the academy as the rise of the machines puts paid to two centuries of utilitarian education, according to the political historian Kee Beng Ooi...

Book on Lim Chong Eu's contribution to Penang's transformation launched.

The role and contribution by Penang’s second Chief Minister Lim Chong Eu in turning the state into an economic powerhouse has been immortalised in a book...

Expect 'voter tsunami' thanks to Undi 18, auto voter registration - expert

The value of our votes will become even more unequal with the introduction of 18-year-old voters and automatic voter registration, cautions electoral reform group Tindak Malaysia...

MySay: Who says it’s not possible for Malaysia to move beyond identity politics?

For Malaysian politics to transcend the primacy of identity and move on to policymaking that is...

Malaysia's top opposition parties form alliance

Prof. James Chin weighs in on the significance of the new UMNO-PAS alliance.

Dons say why Anwar should take up a Cabinet post

Prof. James Chin expressed that Anwar Ibrahim would remain politically weak if he does not hold a portfolio in the cabinet.

Malaysia urges citizens to obey Australian immigration law after report of 33,000 asylum claims

Prof. James Chin weighs in on asylum claims of Malaysians in Australia.

Identity politics to rule GE15

Identity politics s here to stay and will dominate the 15th General Election (GE15), said former youth and sports minister Khairy Jamaluddin...

Racially-balanced army possible: Liew

A racially-balanced army is possible if the armed forces undergo institutional reforms...