Jeffrey Cheah Distinguished Speakers Series

Why Capitalism Does Not Appeal to People in Developing Countries

by Professor Rafael M. Di Tella Joseph C. Wilson Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

The Globalization of Education - A Judicial Perspective

by Hon. Justice Frank Vincent Chancellor, Victoria University

Election Setbacks to Malaysia's Ruling Coalition - 1969 & 2008 Compared

by Dr. Goh Cheng Teik Adjunct Professor, Sunway University College

Memories: How Sweet is Sweet Enough?

by Dr. Sandra Sünram-Lea Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Lancaster University

How to Lead and Manage in Challenging Time

by Professor D. Quinn Mills Alfred J. Weatherhead Jr. Professor Of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

From Nations to Cities: How the Rules of Economic Competition Are Changing

by Professor Wee Chow Hou Professor and Head, Division of Strategic, Management & Organization, College of Business (Nanyang Business School), Nanyang Technological University

Smart Places for Smart People: Using Cluster-based Planning in the 21st Century

by Professor Michael Luger Dean & Professor of Innovation, Public Policy & Management, Manchester Business School

How Failure Helps Develop Insight in Creative Decision Making

by Professor Tom Ormerod Head, Department of Psychology, Lancaster University

The Malaysian Manager of 21st Century

by Professor Tarcisius Chin Adjunct Professor, Sunway University College

I Chose to Climb

by Sir Chris Bonnington Chancellor, Lancaster University

How is Globalisation is Influencing the Development of Higher Education

by Professor Paul Wellings Vice Chancellor, Lancaster University

Marketing in a Muticultural World: Understanding Asian Consumers

by Professor Jikyeong Kang Professor of Marketing, Director of MBS Programmes, Manchester Business School