Professional and Continuing Education

woman in white long sleeves using a laptop

Professional and Continuing Education is Sunway University’s cornerstone in coordinating courses that help individuals and organizations achieve professional skills toward success in an industry 4.0 dominated future economy.

The Department of Professional and Continuing Education (also known as PACE) is responsible for providing a diverse range of credit/non-credit-bearing professional and continuing education courses (Micro-credential and short courses for short) and Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) related processes through conventional and online distance learning (ODL) delivery. The department leads the development and management of strategic and operational plans by engaging internal and external stakeholders in order to achieve its vision of democratizing learning. Seeking to prolong your lifelong-learning efforts or seeking to upskill for better opportunities? Explore PACE's provisions to learn more on how Sunway University can support your progression pathways!



PACE seeks to democratize learning by making learning more accessible to a non-conventional market segment to further promote a culture of lifelong learning via conventional or online modalities in Sunway University.


PACE seeks to realise the University’s mission to promote a culture of lifelong learning by implementing Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) related processes and provide a diverse range of credit-/non-credit-bearing professional and continuing education courses in order to democratize learning.


Professional and Continuing Education Programmes 

PACE supports the University’s ambitions by implementing, coordinating, and managing programmes such as APEL.A and APEL.C, Micro-credentials, Short Courses and Online Distance Learning deliveries of specific Programmes. Click below to find out more about which programmes can further support your learning goals:

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning or APEL is a systematic process involving the identification, documentation and assessment of prior experiential learning to determine how an individual’s learning experiences contribute toward meeting the desired learning outcomes of a programme of study (APEL.A) or for the award of credits (APEL.C).

Due to the rigorous economic demands for constant lifelong learning towards supporting Digital 4.0 skills, an urgency for Micro-credential support is more needed. Micro-credentials are short, professional skills focused learning chunks designed to cater to industry demands. Micro-credentials provide learners opportunities to gain certification upon completion to help support their career goals and employability.

Sunway University offers a flexible and accessible route toward programme completion by providing an online distance learning (ODL) mode of delivery for learners to achieve their academic pursuits. Choose from a variety of industry-pertinent ODL programme line-up.

Explore Courses

Short Courses & Micro-Credentials