Anything is Possible – The Ironman Dream

Anything is Possible – The Ironman Dream

The School of Hospitality, Sunway University is proud to have Regional Director of Ironman Malaysia, Mr. CG Lim to deliver a talk titled ‘Anything is Possible – The Ironman Dream’. A total of 80 students from BSc (Hons) Conventions and Events Management, and Diploma in Events Management have learnt a lot from this impactful yet energetic sharing session.

Welcome, Mr Lim to Sunway University

In this talk, Mr. Lim enlightened the students about his experience during the execution of an annual mega sports event in Langkawi Island and the challenges faced, which is part and parcel of events management. Besides, he also shared with the students on the philosophy of Ironman – Anything is Possible and how this motto is important when one has a goal to achieve.


Mr Lim warming up with the students

As an events planner, passion is a must-have personality as it is a “push factor” to make meaningful yet better events for people to enjoy and benefit from.

“Ironman believes in creating teams that put passion before anything else. We are here to create human stories that last a lifetime.” – Mr. CG Lim

Before he ended the session, he also strongly encouraged students to spend more time on activities outside of the classroom as it would broaden minds and enable students to experience and fully understand the process of actual events.

Dr Teh Pek Yen presenting a token of appreciation to Mr Lim


Events programme students posing together with the speaker