
Dr. Zuhaili Wins the Silver Award for TALPI Conference 2021

Dr. Zuhaili Akmal Ismail of the School of Arts wins the Silver award for a research paper competition organised by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) at the Teaching and Learning Poster Ideas (TALPI) Conference 2021.

Sunway University Celebrating 15 Years of Partnership with Lancaster University

Celebrating its 15th anniversary, the Sunway-Lancaster partnership is one of the most successful transnational higher educational partnerships in the world.

Prof. Datin Dr Chia Yook Chin Appointed as Assessment Panel for the Research Fund Assessment Committee of the Ministry…

The Department of Higher Education (JPT) is pleased to appoint YBhg. Datin as the Panel of Assessor for the Research Fund Assessment Committee of the Ministry of Higher Education (DP KPT) effective 1 January 2021.
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Sunway University Celebrates Sixth Anniversary of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

25 September 2021 marks the sixth anniversary of the 17 United Nations SDGs.
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Sunway University Announces the Establishment of the New Sunway Centre for Planetary Health

Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, Foundation Chancellor of Sunway University and Professor Sibrandes Poppema, University President announced the establishment of the Sunway Centre for Planetary Health, and have appointed senior Malaysian health…

Sunway University Now has 10 Scientists Listed in World's Top 2%

More career researchers listed in Stanford University’s World’s Top 2% Scientists than any other private institution in Malaysia.

Professor Ariff is One of the Top Scholars Globally in Islamic Finance Literature

Professor Ariff is named as the third most published author globally.
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In Covid-19 Era, New Mums Face New Challenges Caring for Newborns

Tan Sri Dr Jemilah Mahmood, executive director at Sunway Centre for Planetary Health at Sunway University, said that technology has afforded mothers some good communication tools to help keep away postpartum blues.

The 'Statelessness and Education Perspective' Webinar

A collaborative committee between the Sunway Diploma Studies and Victoria University Business Programme lecturers organized a webinar in support of the SDGs on quality education, reducing inequalities and an inclusive society.

PhD in Hospitality and Tourism

The School of Hospitality and Service Management is delighted to announce the launch of a new programme: PhD in Hospitality and Tourism.
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Authors on Authors: Occupational Safety & Health: Present Challenges & Prospects

Sunway University Press successfully organised an Authors on Authors public conversation on the topic Occupational Safety & Health: Present Challenges & Prospects
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Education Stakeholders Must Come Together To Ensure No One Is Left Behind, Urges SEG CEO

In response to the challenges faced by higher education institutions and student populations resulting from school closures, Sunway Education Group (SEG) and employment-focused higher education evaluation firm, AppliedHE co-hosted a webinar on “…