Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads
Komunikasi, the Bahasa Melayu edition of Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads on Communication, comprises 10 essential articles that focus on effective and persuasive communication. The book will inspire you to be a better storyteller, communicator and leader.
This title is available as an e-book.
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Komunikasi is the Bahasa Melayu edition of the best-selling book Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads on Communication. The book comprises a collection of compelling reads that can inspire readers to communicate effectively and convincingly within an organisation.
Each chapter in the book is an article from leading experts including Deborah Tannen, Jay Conger and Nick Morgan. Readers will gain practical knowledge on how to engage with an audience, successfully pitch a business idea, win support of others, and inspire colleagues towards achieving a goal.
This book is suitable for aspiring and experienced leaders, professionals and general readers who wish to improve their communication skills.
Ubah Cara Anda Memujuk
Gary A. Williams dan Robert B. Miller
Memanfaatkan Sains Pemujukan
Robert B. Cialdini
Kuasa Percakapan: Orang yang Didengari dan Sebabnya
Deborah Tannen
Seni Pemujukan yang Perlu
Jay A. Conger
Adakah Sikap Berdiam Diri Membunuh Syarikat Anda?
Leslie Perlow dan Stephanie Williams
Menjadi Pengucap yang Autentik
Nick Morgan
Berkongsi Cerita
Stephen Denning
Cara untuk Membentangkan Idea yang Bernas
Kimberly D. Elsbach
Lima Mesej yang Mesti Diurus oleh Pemimpin
John Hamm
Jadikan Perbualan Penuh Tekanan Lebih Santai
Holly Weeks
Perihal Penyumbang
Basic Information
- 978-967-5492-05-1 (Paperback)
- 978-967-5492-49-5 (E-book)