Sunway University Press Celebrates Successful Book Sales at GCFM Practice Skills Workshop


Sunway University Press is proud to report the tremendous success of its book sales event held on July 13, 2024, at the Seri Pacific Ballroom during the GCFM Practice Skills Workshop 1

The highlight of the event was the special booth showcasing the bestselling book, Expect the Unexpected: A Compilation of Common Clinical Cases Posing as Diagnostic Dilemmas by Prof. Dr. Chia Yook Chin and Dr. Ng Wei Leik.

The exclusive one-day offer drew a large crowd of medical professionals eager to acquire this essential resource at a special price. The book, which provides detailed analyses of common clinical cases often presenting as diagnostic dilemmas, has been praised for its practical insights and real-world examples that help enhance diagnostic skills.

The success of the book sales event underscores the demand for high-quality medical literature and the dedication of Sunway University Press to support the medical community with valuable resources.

For more information about Expect the Unexpected, visit Expect the Unexpected | Sunway University Press.