Brief Introduction about MyWASSH as Broadcasted on MedSynapse

Brief Introduction about MyWASSH as Broadcasted on MedSynapse

5 years ago, a study was done by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and UKWASSH to document the salt intake in Malaysia. UKWASSH suggested a society be formed to address the salt consumption in Malaysia. A year later a team was formed to take up the task of population education, reduction of salt intake with the ultimate aim to reduce hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.


Datin Professor Dr Chia Yook Chin
President of MyWASSH

As the pioneer to address salt intake in Asia, we have engaged the World Hypertension League & the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) to meet the WHO goals in reducing salt intake within the population to <5g per day. It has also been brought up to the Asia Pacific Advisory group within ISH and the HOPE Asian Network to encourage other countries within Asia to initiate a similar drive and act towards reduction of salt in their respective countries.

Salt intake in Asia is still rampant, studies showing some Asian diets have 11g to 17g per day. Legislation and food labelling of its salt content as well as mandating a gradual reduction in salt by manufacturers is also one of the goals of the society.

Dr Ooi Pei Boon
Treasurer MyWASSH

The idea is to get everyone involved, with the interest of addressing the salt consumption in Malaysia through public health campaigns. 4 years ago, the team has ventured into the community using blood pressure screening as a tool to promote the reduction of salt intake. Through screening activities, its noted that there is an awareness in the community about salt reduction.

The goal, is to change the perception of Malaysians individually and as a collective towards salt intake through public engagement.

Dr Chew Ming Tsuey
Bulletin Coordinator MyWASSH

European countries have started the initiative to reduce salt and the goal of MyWASSH is to reduce the salt intake in Malaysia, liaison with other Asian counties and expand the network in addressing the issue of salt intake.

Dr Felicia Chung
Secretary MyWASSH

Food being an intimate part of Malaysian culture, it is a challenge to reduce the salt levels itself without jeopardizing the business and flavor of the vendors and manufacturers. With awareness of their roles in improving the health of Malaysians, we hope that our interdisciplinary approach has an edge over existing strategies.

Dr Choong Jin Ian Coordinator for Social Media and Publicity MyWASSH As medical doctors, communication and education is vital on a daily basis. It brings in the science in a digestible form to the individuals, and to the community. Obesity and sugar control tend to overshadow salt intake, thus there is the need to emphasize and remind the public about it.