Life in the Anthropocene: The Challenges of Managing Environmental Hazards and Risks

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From flooding and drought to destructive cyclones and atmospheric hazards, such events are increasingly cast as heralds of a new era in earth’s history, the so-called Anthropocene, in which we have only ourselves to blame and scientific experts to save us from the consequences of human-induced climate change.

In this lecture, Professor Sarah Whatmore will outline the evidence for and utility of the Anthropocene. She will also examine two of its implication. The first is the importance of computer modelling in equipping both governments and businesses to respond effectively. The second is the challenge of making the scale and reliability of such modelling techniques meaningful to people in their everyday lives such that behavioural change makes sense both for individuals and organisations.


9 Aug 2018


5:30pm – 7:00pm


JC 2, Level 1, Sunway University


Professor Sarah Whatmore FBA, FAcSS
Professor of Environment and Public Policy
Head of Social Sciences Division
Fellow of Keble College
University of Oxford

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