Emergence: Beyond the Theory of Everything

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We are proud to announce that the highly acclaimed Jeffrey Cheah Distinguished Speakers Series is returning on 4th July 2022 at JC3 Hall, Level 1, Sunway University. The lecture is free to attend and all are invited.

In the upcoming lecture, Professor Andy Schofield, Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Theoretical Physics, Lancaster University, UK will be addressing the topic of “Emergence: Beyond the theory of everything". He will be sharing his insights on the emergent physics which arises when quantum mechanics and complexity are combined through the careful design and fabrication of ultra pure materials.

While one branch of physics works to understand the universe by breaking matter down to its fundamental constituents and their interactions (the quest for "the theory of everything"), in a complementary approach it is found that putting matter back together again can lead to a richness of novel physics which is more than simply the sum of the parts. This public lecture will illustrate this emergent physics which arises when quantum mechanics and complexity are combined through the careful design and fabrication of ultra pure materials. Understanding the new principles at work typically lies beyong the capability of direct computer simulation and requires new insight to unravel the mysteries. Lessons from research in this discipline may have something to day for how we create an education and research environment in universities to cut through some of the knottiest challenges humanity faces. 

Professor Andy Schofield is a theoretical physicist whose research is on the quantum properties of matter. His work is typically developed by working in close collaboration with experimental physicists and material scientists. He has worked at Cambridge University, Rutgers NJ, and the University of Birmingham before taking up his current position in Lancaster in May 2020. 

Register today at: https://bit.ly/JCDSS040722