Lunchtime Concert: Azmyl Yunor

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Lunchtime Concert: Azmyl Yunor

As a singer-songwriter, Azmyl Yunor professes to playing 'country music' because all his songs are about his country: Malaysia.

From 2005's lauded EP "Tenets" to his acclaimed 2020 album "John Bangi Blues", his bi-lingual songs explore the vicissitudes of Malaysian society, identity, and cultural politics with his own unique gusto - towing the line between the profound and the profane - informed by a wide array of musical and literary influences from American protest song trailblazer Woody Guthrie to the late Malaysian writer and notable hellraiser Salleh Ben Joned.

Unlike most of his singer-songwriter contemporaries (old and new), he has his roots in the 90s underground punk scene and adheres to the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) independent spirit and work ethic, preferring to navigate along the margins of the scene, touring and releasing albums on his own imprints Rapidear Records and Troubadours his since 1997.