Solo Piano Recital by Polish Pianist Alicia Fiderkiewicz

Time: 07:30 pmSOA Gallery, Sunway UniversitySchool of Arts

You are invited to an inspired evening of piano performance with this solo recital from Polish pianist, Alicia Fiderkiewicz! Brought to you in partnership with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Kuala Lumpur, this recital promises to inspire audiences with Alicia's skillful playing.

Catch the recital at:

Date: 08 October 2024 (Tue)
Time: 7.30PM - 9.30PM
Venue: SOA Gallery (accessed via the staircase beside the University's Gallery)

Admission is FREE and open to the public. Invite a friend and see you there!

Throughout her career, Alicja Fiderkiewicz appeared with number of major orchestras - The Halle, Da Camera, Manchester Camerata, La Scala in Milan, Warsaw National Philharmonic, Polish Radio & TV and many others - and worked with number of conductors including Frank Cliff, Jacek Kaspszyk, Marek Pijarowski, Kenneth Page, Owain Orwell Hughes, Pierluigi Urbini.

Alicja is a winner of Dudley International Piano Competition and bronze medalist in the Premio Dino Ciani International Piano Competition in La Scala, Milan, where her performances were highly praised by Martha Argerich, Fou T'Song and Italian critics, who wrote "Alicja Fiderkiewicz is a young Polish pianist, whose authority and domination at the keyboard, technical resources, and excellent musicality show her to be a superb musical talent and promise for her most radiant future."

Alicja has performed widely throughout the UK including number of recitals in the Wigmore Hall, St. John's Smith Square, St-Martin's-in-the-fields in London. She has performed in Manchester, Isle of Man, Liverpool, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow to name a few. Outside of the UK, Alicja has performed concertos and recitals in Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, Cyprus, Spain, Finland, Japan, USA, Singapore & Malaysia.

Learn more about her