
Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

Improving Malaysian Higher Education

We live in an era that is characterised by globalisation and rapid change. Globalisation however, is a double-edged sword...

In Search of the Imperfect

Do you just ask questions or do you sometimes try to answer them? One of the more pointed challenges a scientist can face, hopefully inspiring progress in research.

MIT: Understanding Human Intelligence to Train People and Machines to Think

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has always applied its talents toward building a better world through education, scientific discovery, and advances in technology. Now the Institute is redoubling its efforts to improve teaching methods…
Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

Keeping The Promise Of Reform

For details, kindly download e-leaflet and 

Banks, Firms and Financial Markets: Connecting the Dots…

This lecture will briefly touch upon issues related to (1) whether capital control policies are beneficial to the economy, (2) whether monetary policy and bank risk-taking affect financial markets and drive corporate investment, and (3) whether a…

Musical Concert at Sunway University

Free Musical Concert at Sunway University on April 7 (JC1, Level 1, 4pm-6pm) performed by the renown pianist and virtuoso Antonio Galera. Don’t miss it! An event organised by the Department of Performance and Media, School of Arts.
Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

Economic Performance Anxieties in East Asia

For details, kindly download e-leaflet and event write-up.

Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

The Nuclearization of North Korea: Can One Get Off a Tiger Safely?

For details, kindly download the e-leaflet and event write-up.

Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

Malaysian Universities Transformation For Survival Beyond 2020

In this lecture, Professor Ghauth Jasmon will explore the possible significant developments that may likely to occur in Malaysian higher education in the next few decades...

How Genomics Is Changing Medicine

Technological innovation has dramatically reduced the cost of genome sequencing. It is now affordable to sequence DNA from people, cancers and pathogens, and this will have major implications for health.
Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

World Economic Outlook 2018

The world economy in 2017 outperformed most predictions...
Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

New Media and Politics in Southeast Asia: Social Media, Citizens and the Digital Revolution

The emergence of digital media has allowed for individual citizens to attempt to usurp elite messages, and shift the course of events of politics...