
Waking Up The Brain: Mechanisms Underlying Central Nervous System Arousal

by Professor Donald W. Pfaff Head of Laboratory Laboratory of Neurobiology & Behavior Rockefeller University

Governance in China: Beyond Communism and Nationalism

by Professor Wang Gungwu, CBE Chairman, East Asian Institute and University Professor, National University of Singapore

Beyond Authoritarianism: Malaysian Constitutionalism in the Balance

by Professor Andrew Harding Director, Centre for Asian Legal Studies, National University of Singapore

A Conversation with Sir Christian Bonington

by Sir Christian Bonington Chancellor, Lancaster University

The Killer Defence

by Professor Peter C. Doherty Laureate Professor, University of Melbourne

Social Media: The Power to Influence and Impact

by Professor David Godes Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

Teacher Education in a Changing Global Perspective

by Professor Stephen Dinham Foundation Chair of Teacher Education and Director of Learning and Teaching, Melbourne University

Be Alive and Be Transformed!

by Annie Armen* Communications Artist * The Renowned Speakers Series

Director Choosing an Auditor: Is It a Club for the Well Connected?

by Professor Keith Houghton Professor of Business Administration, Australian National University

China's Public Examination System: Did It Produce the Best and the Brightest?

by Professor David L McMullen Professor Emeritus of Chinese, Cambridge University

The Path to a Sustainable Future

by Rt. Hon. Jim Bolger Chancellor, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Skills Required for Employment in the 21st Century

by Professor Peter Dawkins Vice-Chancellor, Victoria University