
    Expert Opinion

JCI Fellows occasionally issue opinions letters and editorials in their own professional capacity to media and platforms.


This section archives and collects a curated range of these pieces where such supports JCI objectives.

MySay: The new normal — regionalising the global and the national

Economic Studies Ops
Education & Social Studies Ops
Governance Studies Ops
Dr. Ooi Kee Beng proposes Malaysia's strategy moving forward amidst a triple whammy of political, social and economic constraints in the first half of 2020.

Malaysia’s worrying turn to right-wing politics

Governance Studies Ops
Prof. James Chin weighs in on the current Malaysian political transition.

The Galapagos Islands on land: How limestone is essential to life

Special Studies Ops
On the International Day of Biological Diversity, Assoc Prof Reuben Clements explains why limestone quite literally serves as the building block for much of life on earth.

Commentary: Wheels set in motion for another political showdown in Malaysia

Governance Studies Ops
Prof James Chin says the motion of no confidence in Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is unlikely to be heard come May 18 when the Malaysian Parliament sits.

Malaysia needs a shadow cabinet to check an amateurish government

Governance Studies Ops
What Malaysia really needs is a shadow cabinet, a line-up of opposition frontbenchers to offer policy alternatives, not just criticism of ministers for incompetence.

Comment: Who should be the next parliamentary opposition leader?

Governance Studies Ops
Prof. Wong Chin Huat argues for a functioning shadow cabinet that can scuttle cynical gimmicks, such as a "one-day Parliament" and pave the way for setting good governance standards.

Does Muhyiddin have a parliamentary majority?

Governance Studies Ops
Malaysia's PN minority government can survive--as long as it can get the support of enough opposition members. Prof Wong Chin Huat crunches the numbers to show how the current PM is shoring up loyalty.

Will Malaysian Businesses Save the World?

Special Studies Ops
Karen Chand presents the case that though we stand at the brink of catastrophe, companies have the opportunity to innovate and recreate a better future.

My Say: The dynamics needed to dislodge Malaysia from its race fetish

Governance Studies Ops
Dr. Ooi Kee Beng weighs in on the racial dynamics in Malaysian politics under the new Perikatan Nasional government.

Children and coronavirus: A social protection view

Education & Social Studies Ops
Governance Studies Ops
The recently announced initiatives do not address the burdens that poor families with children have to disproportionately shoulder due to Covid-19.

Commentary: Three underlying forces fuelled Malaysia's recent political crisis

Governance Studies Ops
Prof. James Chin weighs in on the current Malaysian political transition.

My Say: Of pyramids, eggs, durians and depicting power in Malaysia

Governance Studies Press
For Malaysian politics to transcend the primacy of identity and move on to policymaking that is...