Students Rank Sunway Number 1 for Career Support in Global Student Barometer Study 2021

Students Rank Sunway Number 1 for Career Support in Global Student Barometer Study 2021

Students of Sunway College and Sunway University ranked both institutions number 1 in “Career Support” in the International Student Barometer 2021 survey. Both educational institutions achieved a combined 92.3% satisfaction rate compared to the average of 77.6% globally.  

The barometer is a global benchmark for students’ experience that enables the tracking and comparison of student satisfaction in decision-making, expectations, perceptions, and intentions of students from application to graduation. A total of 107 universities from 15 countries participated globally, of which seven are from Malaysia. 

The results are indicative of the level of contentment students have felt in terms of the career support services as well as the programmes and workshops that equip students with the skills and competencies necessary to help them launch a successful career upon graduation.  

Additionally, in the survey by i-graduate that received responses from students across all fields and levels of study, Sunway University and Sunway College achieved a 92.5% “Overall Satisfaction” for the overall aspects of students’ education experience, while 90.3% of students were satisfied with their learning experience (“Learning Average”). 

The main areas in the survey encompassed an institution’s overall response satisfaction, covering decision making, arrival on campus, learning, living, support, recommendation, employability, and wellbeing. 

Sunway believes that the role of the educator does not just stop at providing the best educational platform for the students. It is vital for students to be able to enjoy a holistic and comprehensive experience while pursuing their higher education. This includes eliminating day-to-day stresses including arrival and registration, especially for international students, accommodation, safety, transportation facilities, career opportunities and support as well as postgraduate support. 

Sunway is also ranked first in Malaysia for the ‘Welcome – Arrival for International Students’. The International Office department at Sunway assists international students upon their arrival in Malaysia, checks them into their accommodation, and provides updates, memos, and advisory on travel guidelines. 

A welcome reception is also conducted for every intake, briefing international students on the procedures of opening a bank account, arrangement for medical screening, activities by Sunway International Student Ambassadors, and the support services provided by the International Office. 

Surveys like the Student Barometer help to realign and strengthen the institutions’ role in providing the best for students while on campus and in preparing them for the next leg of their journey – their professional growth. 

As part of the effort to prepare students for their future careers, Sunway Education Group (SEG) launched the Career Readiness Programme (CRP). The aim of the programme is to develop graduates who are highly sought-after by employers, become positive influencers in the community, and are equipped for all of life’s challenges and opportunities.

According to the Sunway Career Services 2020/2021 report, the Top 10 Companies hiring Sunway graduates included Accenture, AIA, Ernst & Young, Great Eastern Life Assurance, Maybank, Prudential Assurance, Public Bank, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Shopee and Sunway Group and subsidiaries. 

Internships are vital for students to get a better understanding of their field of choice, and this has prompted SEG’s Career Services team to introduce the “Internship Preparation Programme”. 

The team works with the different schools in ensuring students have their basic preparations ready before their internships. At least 6 months before their internship begins, students attend various programs and workshops in the areas of resume writing, interview skills, networking and grooming, and professionalism at the workplace. The team also provide avenues for students’ resumes to be checked individually before they submit them to their respective companies.

The survey also indicated 100% satisfaction with ‘Postgraduate Support’ provided for postgraduate students. 

Postgraduate students are provided with ongoing support to ease their studies, research, and usage of relevant campus resources. Each school periodically organises events, workshops, and seminars with the help of postgraduate community representatives for students to attend. This includes research sharing seminars, technical writing workshops, research ethnic programmes, and more.

The school also provides the opportunity for postgraduate students to be graduate teaching assistants or research assistants, where training is provided by the Academic Enhancement Division to equip them with the relevant skills to teach tutorial and practical classes.