Decide with Confidence

The average adult human makes approximately 35,000 choices every day.

Some may seem inconsequential, such as your daily decision of the choice of morning beverage.

But what if you find yourself in a position whereby your single decision could significantly impact the lives of other fellow human beings?

For instance, a policy director deciding on matters of national governance which will have extensive impacts on a country’s development for the next century. Or in a life-or-death scenario where a paramedic having to make a choice on whether amputation of an injured individual’s limbs might be necessary to save that person’s life.

How does one confidently make decisions?

The quintessential tool: data modelling, the manner in which data is organised, structured, reviewed and utilised by decision makers across various industries in countless professions. 

Decide with Confidence
Decide with Confidence


In line with Sunway Education's mission in the transmission and application of knowledge that meets the needs of our society, the School of Mathematical Sciences organised Decide with Confidence, a two-hour long workshop introducing Sunway College students to the fundamentals of data modelling and its applications in their decision-making.

Conducted by Dean, Professor Ho Chee Kit and Head of the Department of Applied Statistics and Programme Leader for Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, Sia Jye Ying, the youth of our nation were presented with an introductory course on data modelling, its synergy with data analytics and data science, and simple but engaging live demonstrations of its applications.

We appreciate the level of participation from the attendees. Together, let us make decisions with confidence!

Special thanks to lecturers Kelly Chin, Prithikah Prakash and Sam Ching Chee Sin for facilitating our workshop previews!

Decide with Confidence