The Leadership Star Camp

The Leadership Star Camp


The External Relations department hosted The Leadership Star Camp at Sunway University, bringing together aspiring leaders, passionate individuals, and motivated students for a day filled with inspiration, learning, and collaboration. Designed to empower participants with valuable insights, skills, and connections, the camp featured a series of engaging workshops, interactive sessions, and ample networking opportunities. The event aimed to enhance leadership abilities while fostering meaningful connections within the Sunway University Student Council (SUSC) community and beyond.

The Leadership Star Camp


The event kicked off with a welcoming speech by Student Life, which provided a brief introduction to the objectives of the leadership camp. Each school's student council was welcomed, setting the stage for a day of unity and shared purpose. The speech highlighted the reasons behind conducting the camp, emphasizing the importance of developing leadership skills and building a supportive community among students. This introduction set a positive tone for the day's activities, encouraging participants to fully engage and make the most of the opportunities presented.

One of the camp's highlights was the station games, which were designed to promote teamwork and collaboration. Participants were divided into groups, each comprising members from different clubs or schools, ensuring a diverse mix of perspectives and experiences. This allocation strategy aimed to create balanced groups, facilitating equal participation and interaction. Through these games, attendees not only honed their leadership skills but also built strong, lasting connections with peers from various backgrounds, contributing to a more cohesive and dynamic SUSC community.



With that said, SUSC would like to thank all volunteers and attendees for attending this event and we hope that this event has given others the opportunity to network and learn more about leadership.