Sunway Business School Honours Top Accounting Students at Book Prize Award Ceremony


The Department of Accounting at Sunway Business School recently turned an ordinary weekday into an extraordinary celebration with their Book Prize Award Ceremony. This event was a highlight on the academic calendar, dedicated to honouring the exceptional achievements of BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance (BAF) students. Sponsored by three prestigious accounting firms – Deloitte, BDO, and Morison LC — and the professional body MICPA, the ceremony not only recognised academic excellence but also provided valuable networking opportunities.

Sunway Business School Honours Top Accounting Students at Book Prize Award Ceremony


The venue was filled with excitement as students, parents, faculty members, and distinguished guests gathered for the celebration. Notable attendees included Professor Lim Weng Marc, Dean of Sunway Business School; Associate Professor Dr Calvin Cheong, Deputy Dean of Sunway Business School; Professor Andrew Abbott, Academic Dean of Lancaster Programmes; and lecturers from the Department of Accounting.

The event kicked off with a heartfelt welcome from Ms Caroline Yap, Head of the Department of Accounting, followed by an inspiring opening speech by Professor Lim Weng Marc. He emphasised the importance of hard work, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence, applauding the students for their remarkable achievements and encouraging them to continue striving for greatness.

Sunway Business School Honours Top Accounting Students at Book Prize Award Ceremony
Sunway Business School Honours Top Accounting Students at Book Prize Award Ceremony


A total of 22 Book Prize Awards were presented to outstanding students. The Best Accounting Graduate (Deloitte Excellence Award) was awarded to the top graduate, while first, second and third prizes were awarded for excellence in accounting, auditing, and taxation subjects. These included first-year subject (ACC1014 Principles of Financial Accounting), second-year subjects (ACC2014 Financial Accounting, ACC2034 Principles of Auditing, and ACC2054 Malaysian Taxation System), as well as final-year subjects (ACC3014 Corporate Reporting, ACC3024 Advanced Taxation, and ACC3044 Advanced Audit & Assurance).

The ceremony concluded with a networking session, allowing students to interact with the representatives from the sponsoring firms. This provided an invaluable opportunity for students to seek advice, discuss career aspirations, and forge connections that could benefit their professional journeys.

Representatives from Deloitte, BDO, and Morison LC expressed their pride in sponsoring the event and highlighted the importance of fostering young talent in the accounting field. The MICPA representative echoed these sentiments, emphasising the role of professional bodies in supporting and guiding young professionals. The Department of Accounting looks forward to continuing this tradition, celebrating the successes of BAF students and building even stronger connections with the accounting profession.