Sunway Business School - Internship Sharing 2024

Event Picture

Sunway Business School recently hosted a compelling event on July 10th and 11th, where undergraduate students shared their enriching internship experiences. With a large turnout of over a thousand attendees across both days, the event featured informative sessions led by Ms Lauren Wong, Manager of Employability & Industry Engagement, along with contributions from Ms Lynnette Richards and Mr Yan Ting Lim from Sunway Career Services.

Student speakers from diverse academic programs and internship placements shared valuable insights into their professional journeys, offering practical advice and lessons learned to their peers.

Special recognition goes to Dr Stella Ong Kim Yoke, Deputy Dean of Employability & Alumni, for presenting certificates to the student speakers. The event was made possible by the enthusiastic participation of Sunway Business School students, who generously shared their internship experiences with the audience.

Here are the certificate recipients from the event:

- Darren Ong Edward - Internship Experience at Deloitte
- Chong Jie Yi - Internship Experience at AmBank Group
- Grace Lee Pei Shi - Internship Experience at Sunway Malls
- Rebekah Ng - Internship Experience at Mars Food
- Shar-Mynn Wong - Internship Experience at Hilti Asia IT Services
- Lai Pei Yi - Internship Experience at NielsenIQ
- Hassan Aalif Abdul Gani - Internship Experience at SLB

We extend our appreciation to all participants for making this event a resounding success in fostering a culture of sharing and learning within our student community.