Salt Awareness Activity In Gunung Ledang Resort, Johor

Salt Awareness Activity In Gunung Ledang Resort, Johor

The Salt Awareness Activity was held on 19 March 2022, 9.00 am to 3.00 pm at the Gunung Ledang Resort, Tangkak, Johor, in conjunction with local blood donation activity. The photos showed the preparation works done with the restaurant’s chefs, food stalls’ vendors and few tourists.


Photo Captions
1. Meeting with the resort manager, Mr. Muhazam Syah bin Hambar and his assistant
2. Showing the content of the banner (regarding the importance of low salt diet) which is going to be hung up at different corners of the resort
3. Passing the proposal of the program to the resort manager
4. Hanging up the banner at the front entrance of the resort restaurant
5. Meeting with the head chef to introduce MyWASSH and promote low salt diet
6a-c. Promoting MyWASSH to the foodstall vendors in the resort
7a-b. Promoting MyWASSH to the tourists at the picnic spot near the Waterfall of the Gunung Ledang National Park
8. Main entrance of the Gunung Ledang Resort