Management Meeting Outcomes


F&B Services Committee Meeting

  1. To cap the price increment of the food sold at campus.
  2. Menu Rahmah (every vendor to take turns to sell a meal at a cheaper price, will rotate on a weekly basis)
Hot water dispenser

Facilities Meeting

  1. Soundproofing of certain classrooms will be done during the semester break.
  2. Hot water is available from the water dispenser at NW-1, NW-3 and outside of Fresco.
  3. Cooling fans will be included when students want to book the booths at campus.
Fire Drill

Health, Safety and Environment Meeting

A fire drill will be conducted at the end of the year.
- Students will be informed beforehand regarding the fire drill.
- A video will be made regarding the fire drill and will be played during orientation.

Library Meeting

Library Meeting

New interface of the library website which allowed the website to be more efficient.

JC2 Hall

University Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting (UTLC)

  1. iCheckin Guidelines
    - iCheckin code will only be generated & shared with students at the start of the class and not before the start of the class.
  2. MOHE Examination Calendar Implementation Policy
    - MOHE has issued a policy on exam/assessment scheduling effective from 19 September 2022.
    - Ensure that no internal assessments are held on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays to allow students to fulfil religious obligations that fall on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
    - It includes quizzes, mid-semester tests, final exams, special exams and other types of assessments.
    - It only applies to full-time undergraduate and diploma students.
  3. Timing the end of the classes
    Following a proposal and discussion at the University Student Welfare and Engagement Committee on 12 Oct 2022, the recommendation is to end all classes (starting on the hour) at ten minutes to the hour.
  4. Request to offer hybrid mode of study
    This request was rejected because:
    - Schools have already considered the possibilities of offering hybrid classes
    - For subjects/schools with lectures & tutorials both physical, there is a neccessity to provide collaborative classroom experience even during lectures.
Lecture Hall

University Student Welfare and Engagement Committee Meeting (USWEC)

Request to record physical classes

  • This suggestion was rejected because:
    - In the long run, fewer students will show up for classes
    - Classroom learning experience will not the same as recorded tutorial
    - Standard equipment (cameras on certain places at the classrooms, camera quality, microphone) will be required