EMSEE2022 welcomes three forms of submissions: Abstract, full paper, and poster. All abstract submission will be published in the book of abstracts.
Abstract Submission
- Maximum 500 words.
- The abstract needs to include 3-5 keywords that define the subject matter.
- The abstract should summarize the key points of the paper.
- At least one of the authors must register and present at the conference once the abstract is accepted.
- The general guideline/ template for abstract can be downloaded here.
Full Paper Submission
Accepted papers will be notified via email for direct submission to the journal.
- The poster needs to be printed before attending to the conference
- The poster should be in English and portrait orientation size of A1 (23.4 x 33.1 inches)
- The presentation must cover important material that is presented on your accepted abstract
- Place the title of your paper at the top of the poster to allow viewers to identify your paper. Indicate the paper’s title and authors’ names
- Highlight the authors’ names, emails and address information in case viewers are interested in contacting you for more information. Please underline the name of the presenting author
- Prepare all diagrams and paragraphs neatly and readable
- Use different colours and textures/symbols for each line or bar contained in your graph or chart
- Organize the paper, so it is self-explanatory. You have complete freedom in displaying your information in figures, tables, text and photographs
- The finalized poster must also be submitted in Portable Document Format (.pdf) at @email.
- The best poster award will be announced during the closing ceremony
Submissions must be an original contribution and should not have been previously published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere. Individual and multiple authors are welcome to contribute. All submissions should be typed in MS WORD format, single-spaced with one-inch margins and using 12-point Times New Roman font (exception of tables 10-point Times New Roman) and follow the format and style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th edition). PDF files of abstracts will not be accepted.