Conference Theme



We call for quality research/review papers in advanced materials for sustainable energy technologies but not limited to

Energy Storage & Conversion

•     Sustainable & green energy material

•     Energy storage materials

•     Phase change materials

•     Salt hydrate 

•     Thermoelectric materials

•     MXene, graphene & advanced materials

•     Transition metals

•     Nickel metal hydride

•     Electrocatalysis 

•     Photocatalysis

•     Alkaline battery

•     Metal-O2 battery 

•     Lithium-ion battery

•     Redox flow battery

•     Supercapacitors

•     Supercapattery

Solar, Energy Material, Thermal Systems, & Photovoltaics

•     Solar flat plate collector

•     Evacuated tube collector

•     Linear cavity receiver

•     Concentrating collector

•     Solar desalination

•     Thick films solar cell

•     Thin films solar cell 

•     Perovskite solar cell

•     Organic solar cell

•     Dye sensitized solar cell

•     Quantum dot solar cell

•     Tandem solar cell

•     Photovoltaics

•     Photovoltaic-thermal system

•     Power generation

•     Inverters & tracking devices

•     On/off grid systems

Green Building & Low-Carbon Transportation

•     Net zero buildings

•     Energy in buildings

•     Energy efficiency

•     Water efficiency

•     Green roof

•     Energy efficient windows

•     Zero emission public transport

•     Policies

•     Clean vehicle standards

•     Fast charging

•     Wireless power transfer

•     Autonomous & connected vehicles

•     Electric vehicles

Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Technology

•     Polymer electrolyte fuel cell

•     Alkaline fuel cell

•     Phosphoric acid fuel cell

•     Molten carbonate fuel cell

•     Solid oxide fuel cell

•     Direct methanol fuel cell

•     Hydrogen generation

•     Hydrogen storage

•     Hydrogen utilization

Clean & Affordable Energy Technologies

•     Solar energy

•     Geothermal energy

•     Biomass & biofuels

•     Wind power

•     Hydro energy

•     Ocean thermal energy

Carbon Capture, Utilization, & Storage

•     Carbon capture & utilization

•     Low carbon buildings 

•     Coal gasification

•     Coal-fired power generation

•     Natural gas processing

Waste Management & Recycling of Energy Materials

•     Waste to energy

•     Conventional waste disposal

•     Waste treatment techniques

•     Industrial solid waste

•     Sustainability

•     Recycling processes

•     Reuse of energy materials

•     Greenhouse gas emission

•     Environmental policies

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Sustainability

•     Wind energy prediction

•     Solar energy forecast

•     Computational methods

•     Power grid fluctuations

•     PV tracking systems

•     Smart grid stability

•     Material property evaluation

•     Renewable frameworks