The Challenges

Desa Mentari’s Complex Landscape


In our preliminary observational analysis of the Desa Mentari community, a nuanced set of challenges emerges, reflecting the complex landscape residents navigate on a daily basis. These challenges not only underscore the pressing issues faced by the community but also serve as focal points for potential positive transformation.




Challenges Faced by Desa Mentari Community


Health Challenges: The community grapples with a notably high rate of infectious diseases, with dengue fever being a prominent concern. Other than that, the community contends with the pressing issue of mental health, with residents facing various challenges related to psychological well-being. Addressing the root causes behind this prevalence is crucial for safeguarding public health.

Mental Health Concerns: In addition to infectious diseases, the community contends with the pressing issue of mental health. Residents face various challenges related to psychological well-being, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions. Initiatives focused on destigmatization, awareness, and accessible mental health services are imperative for holistic community well-being.

Ageing Infrastructure: The community contends with aging infrastructure, posing health hazards, infectious disease risks, and mental health concerns. Immediate, impactful interventions are essential to address these pressing issues.

Employment Skills Enhancement: Essential employment skills need enhancement to empower residents economically. Exploring employment opportunities, providing entrepreneurship training, and introducing urban farming programs are vital components of this challenge.

Community Harmony: Challenges related to community harmony and social interactions require attention. Increasing green spaces, promoting safety, and encouraging activities that foster positive social interactions are key components of this challenge.

Living Conditions: Instances of substandard living conditions demand urgent intervention. The community seeks immediate, impactful measures to uplift living conditions, creating a healthier and more conducive environment.

Access to Quality Education: The challenge of ensuring access to quality education involves supporting local schools, developing innovative curricula, offering scholarships, and providing skills training. These efforts contribute to elevating educational standards within the community.

Economic Struggles: Economic challenges within Desa Mentari call for initiatives to enhance business infrastructure, promote digital connectivity, and foster entrepreneurship. Stimulating economic growth is crucial for the community's development.


These challenges provide a comprehensive view of the issues faced by the community, emphasizing the need for strategic interventions and collaborative efforts to effect positive transformation.