Experiential Learning in Ipoh

Experiential Learning in Ipoh

Dr Teh Pek Yen, the module lecturer of the Festival & Hallmark events conducted a field trip to Ipoh recently. The purpose of the trip is to enable students to explore local culture, food, craftsmanship and historical buildings. As part of the field trip, students are required to propose and organise a festival to create awareness about Ipoh's heritage.

Dr Teh explained: “Not only were the students able to explore historical buildings, they also interviewed various craftsmen with different areas of expertise - wooden clogs, tin smith, bamboo, coffee, traditional lantern and the lion dance head maker “sifu”!”.

Figure 2 - Students posing in front of the Hakka Miner’s Club & Museum

Figure 3 - Director of IpohWorld, Mr. Ian Anderson presenting a token of remembrance to Dr. Teh Pek Yen

Mr. Ian Anderson, Director of IpohWorld, delivered a meaningful seminar entitled, “Ipoh: Then and Now”. According to Dr Teh: “We all really appreciated his topic and discussion, especially as students learnt about the former tin mining boom and now how Ipoh has focussed on tourism development”.