Outstanding Achievements by Sunway’s SST and SHMS

Outstanding Achievements by Sunway’s SST and SHMS

Department of Biological Sciences, School of Science and Technology:


Dr Jane Gew Lai Ti is awarded the Outstanding Woman in Science (Chemistry) by Venus International Women Awards (VIWA) 2018 recently at Radha Regent, Chennai, India. This award is conferred to a dedicated woman professional working in the field of science and technology who possesses exceptional record of significant contributions to the institute (demonstrated courage, creativity, excellence, originality and endurance). The VIWA scheme was instituted in the year 2016 by the Centre for Advanced Research and Design (CARD) of Venus International Foundation (VIF), India. The awards are presented yearly during the Annual Women's Meet (AWM) that is conducted in March each year, to honour the individuals for the significant contributions in the field of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering, Health and Medical Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Management, Science, Veterinary and Animal Sciences.



Dr Audrey Lim Wei Ling recently won a USD8,500 International Brain Research Organization Asia Pacific Regional Committee (IBRO-APRC) Exchange Fellowship grant to University of Hong Kong. The IBRO-APRC Exchange Fellowship enables high-quality junior scientists at the level of postdoctoral fellow or junior faculty (under age 45) from diverse geographic and scientific areas to broaden the scope of their training in neuroscience by working 4-6 months abroad in established laboratories within the Asia-Pacific Region. The grant recipients must return home after the exchange, bringing with them new knowledge and skills to advance neuroscience in their home countries. The grant is used along with matching funds from the host laboratory to defray the cost of travel and to subsidize living costs.



Associate Professor Dr Shyamala Ratnayeke and Dr Jactty Chew won The International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) Grant of USD 4,540 for their research on landscape characteristics and population genetic structure of Malayan sun bears (Helarctos Malayanus) in Malaysia. This is the third consecutive year that the DBS research team received funds (totalling USD 15,000) from IBA for this project.

PIs and co-PIs: ­

  1. Shyamala Ratnayeke and Jactty Chew, Sunway University
  2. Sadequr Rahman and Qasim Ayub, Monash University Malaysia
  3. Wong Siew Te, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, Sabah, Malaysia
  4. Noor Azleen Mohd Kulaimi, Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Malaysia
  5. Frank T van Manen, U.S. Geological Survey, Bozeman, MT, USA
  6. Stuart Sharp, Lancaster University, UK





Suganiya Rama Rao [MSc Life Sciences student] won the Early Career Research Grant of £1,461 from the Malacological Society of London, for her research on “Population genetic diversity of invasive apple snails (Pomacea) in Malaysia” under the supervision of Dr Yow Yoon Yen and Dr Shyamala.

Under this scheme the Society currently awards at least five Early Career Research Grants per year, and up to five Senior Research Grants per year, to support research on molluscs that is likely to lead to publication. Early Career Research Grants are conferred on students and researchers without professional positions, but without regard to nationality or membership of the Society.

This is the second research grant that Suganiya has successfully received; the first was in 2017 from the Wildlife Reserves Singapore Conservation Fund, Singapore.



Research Centre for Nano-Materials & Energy Technology, School of Science and Technology:

Dr Syed Shahabuddin won the Excellent Oral Presentation Award at 2018 Asia Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APEEC) in Shanghai, China recently with his research project titled “SrTiO3 Nanocube doped Polyaniline nanoflakes Nanocomposite as Highly Stable Electrode Material for Supercapacitors (EC021-A)”.





Centre for Radiation Sciences, School of Healthcare and Medical Sciences:

Professor Mayeen Uddin Khandaker was awarded the Certificate of Excellence in reviewing recently for being one of the most valued reviewers for the Elsevier journal in Year 2017.


Congratulations to all!