Representatives from Kazakhstan and Jeju Visit Sunway

Representatives from Kazakhstan and Jeju Visit Sunway

On 25th September 2018, the Attache Consul at Kazakhstan Embassy for Malaysia Mr Almas made a visit to Sunway campus. During the visit, he introduced the new officer to the International Office staff and the Kazakhstani students at Sunway. This will help to strengthen the working relationship between the Embassy and Sunway.

On 2nd October, the International Office had the honour to host the Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Council for a campus visit. The delegation was headed by Mr. Kang Si Baek who is the Chairman of Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Council. After a campus tour showcasing our facilities and a general introduction of Sunway, the delegates expressed their interests to collaborate with Sunway University on the Vacation English Program for high school students from Jeju Island, as an opportunity for the student to study abroad.