Psychology Forum 2019

Psychology Forum 2019

Graduate Trends and Opportunity in Psychology

On 26 April 2019, the Department of Psychology, Sunway University in collaboration with Sunway Career Services, Student LIFE held their 4th annual Psychology Forum, an event where students explore different career pathway in the field of Psychology. This year, we had the pleasure of inviting four speakers to share their experience with our students:

From left to right: Ms. Sherrene Teh, Music Therapist, Malaysia Music Therapy Association (MMTA),
Mr. Kularetnam, (Sunway Psychology Alumnus), Teaching Fellow, Teach for Malaysia.
Dr. Indrani Thiruselvam , Clinical Neuropsychologist from Society of Neuropsychology Malaysia.
Ms. Felicia Choong (Sunway Psychology Alumnus), Training & Learning Manager, Nestle.


Ms. Woo Pei Jun, Senior Lecturer and Internship Coordinator from the Department of Psychology moderated the forum and started the session by introducing the speakers. Each speaker shared what they do in their present job and what are the different career pathway at their respective career. Students were excited to learn about the different challenges in each career and how psychology is relevant in each of these jobs.

Two Sunway Psychology Alumni, Ms. Felicia Choong and Mr. Kularetnam spoke to students about where their degrees have taken them and what they have been up to since they graduated from Sunway University. Mr. Kularetnam shared about his experience teaching through the Teach for Malaysia Fellowship while Ms. Felicia shared her experience in different roles in human resource management at Sunway Group before moving to Nestle.

Students also got excited when Ms. Woo asked about the starting salary of a fresh graduate in the respective field. The speakers joined in the laughter and shared the eagerly awaited answer. In responding to this question, Ms. Felicia also advise students to assess the job in a holistic manner and not just in monetary terms. It is also important to consider the learning and growth opportunities when selecting a job. “There is no free lunch in the world. The more you’re paid, the more is also expected of you,” quipped the Sunway alumnus.

Dr. Indrani on the other hand shared different training pathways to be a Clinical Neuropsychologist and also how to apply for scholarships to pursue the study overseas and locally. Ms. Sherrene Teh, the only non-psychology major in the panel of speakers, also shared how psychology and music are very much related in her field of work.

Students were also given opportunities to ask questions and had an informal interactive session with the speakers over refreshments after the forum.

Ms.Glenneze Ong, a recent psychology graduate, relate that the forum gives her more insight to the careers after a psychology degree. “It was particularly interesting to hear from the education and music therapy field. I was also grateful to have the opportunity to speak to Dr. Indrani after the forum as this is an area that I am interested in.”

Ms. Shorolipi, a psychology student on the other hand, posted a question on what the speakers look forward to when going to work. She found the forum insightful and informative. “I like how the panelists come from a range of backgrounds that are different from each other but are all the ones psychology students are curious about! I personally attended the forums as I am genuinely interested to know more about music therapy and neuropsychology.” She hopes that more of such forums will be organized in the future.

All participants were also reminded that you need more than a degree when you build your career. Be as active and proactive as you can during your studies at Sunway University. Explore and take up opportunities to upskill yourself and have a balance of work, play and rest!