School of Hospitality Produces a Chinese New Year Fete for a Charitable Cause

School of Hospitality Produces a Chinese New Year Fete for a Charitable Cause

16 Students from the Diploma in Hospitality Management (DHM) and Diploma in Events Management (DEM) of the School of Hospitality, Sunway University recently held a Chinese New Year celebration for the orphans from Destiny Starting Point Children’s Home and the underprivileged children from the Great Heart Community Centre.

As part of the Community Service subject module requirement, the students were given the task to come up with festive activities based on the Chinese New Year celebration, as well as to encourage learning regarding the festival and its culture amongst the children.

With that in mind, the students organised an event, with a few fun-filled activities such as Mei-Blowing (where paint is splashed on the paper, and then straws are used to blow the paint into various pictures), Chopsticks & Beans (where beans are picked up and passed around using chopsticks), and Chinese Calligraphy Painting, as well as brewing Butterfly Pea Flower Tea. Winners of each session were given prizes, and each of the children received goodie bags as well.

Both the students and children (aged between 4-12) had plenty of fun performing the activities together, despite the challenges that they had in terms of communication and event execution. Lam Jet Kei, from DEM, felt that it was a good learning experience as she had to learn how to multi-task in both fulfilling her duties as well as making sure that the children were entertained and occupied.

Project Leader, Kok Zhen Shin, said that the skills that he had learnt from the project would be put to good use in the future, commenting: “It was not easy managing the project as I had to learn to work with different characters and personalities, and making sure that the event is a success.”