Appointment of Dr Elizabeth Lee as Professor at Sunway University

Appointment of Dr Elizabeth Lee as Professor at Sunway University


The Chancellor of Sunway University, on the recommendation of the President and the Vice-Chancellor, has agreed to appoint Dr Elizabeth Lee as Professor at Sunway University for her lifelong dedication and commitment to the field of education.

A graduate of the University of Cambridge, Professor Elizabeth has risen through a series of important roles in a highly distinguished career in education that has led to her current role as the Chief Executive Officer of the Sunway Education Group. She has been both instrumental and the key driver to the vast development of the Sunway Education Group from just one institution, namely Sunway College then, to the dynamic group of 17 institutions today which caters to over 30,000 students from 90 countries worldwide.

Professor Elizabeth’s outstanding achievements in the field of international education, tireless efforts to champion education, and contribution to the Malaysian education sector, primarily the private education, saw her awarded two honorary doctorates by the University of Nottingham UK and Victoria University, Australia. 

Without doubt, Professor Elizabeth is someone who professes education and the empowerment it brings to our children, communities, and nation. She has been at the forefront of education innovation leading Sunway Education Group and the University to achieve many firsts in the Malaysia education sector, including setting up the first branch campus and championing dual degrees.

The quality of alumni and talents that SEG institutions have produced over the years is testimony to the impact she has made on the broader society. An educator at heart, she has devoted herself to students’ as well as staff wellbeing, and she is a driving force behind the SEG’s mission to provide a holistic and inclusive learning environment for all.

Her commitment and contributions are not limited to SEG alone as she works to make an impact in the field of education at strategic and policy levels, as proven by her involvement in various government-led entities, such as the National Higher Education Research Institute and the Malaysian Qualifications Agency Council, to help improve the education ecosystem.

Professor Elizabeth is also known for her thought leadership and frequently sought after for opinions by the print and electronic media. She has traveled extensively for speaking engagements locally as well as internationally and has been invited to speak at the Asia Business Conference in Harvard Business School, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge and many other conferences in Australia, India and the UK.

On behalf of the Sunway University community, congratulations!