Academician: Legislative, Regulatory Adjustments Needed By Government To Prevent Another Worldwide Panic

Academician: Legislative, Regulatory Adjustments Needed By Government To Prevent Another Worldwide Panic

Professor Ken Smith, Professor of Medicine and Head of the Department of Medicine at the University of Cambridge, stated that early detection and fast response are essential in preparing for a potential future pandemic.

“It is critical for the government to make legislative and regulatory adjustments in order to prevent another worldwide panic from occurring,” he stated today during a Q&A session with BusinessToday.

With Cambridge University’s solid research foundation, Prof Ken and his team set out on a quest to establish an institute dedicated to preventing pandemics and immunological illnesses.

“The aim was to get everyone in the room to address all of these challenges so that in 20 years, we know we did something valuable,” he told BusinessToday.

He also stated that it is critical not only to have sequencing data but also to have people analyse it.

“Right now, we are engaging in a number of statewide vaccination trials and will continue to do so for many years to come to ensure everyone’s safety,” Prof Ken concluded in his session.