Associate Professor Dr Numan Arshid Delivered Keynote Speech at the 37th Eg-MRS International Conference

Associate Professor Dr Numan Arshid was invited to deliver a keynote speech on Smart Windows for Net-Zero Buildings: The Revolution of Electrochromic Energy Storage Materials at the 37th Eg-MRS International Conference on Materials Science and its Applications. This event was organised by the Egyptian Materials Research Society and took place from the 27th to the 30th of September 2023. It was located at the Hawaii Le Jardin resort in Hurghada, Egypt.

The Egyptian Materials Research Society (Eg-MRS) was founded in 1978 as The Egyptian Society of Solid-State Science and Applications (ESSA) and renamed in 2003 to reflect the interdisciplinary approach and the broader scope of its subject area within the materials science community. The conference has been successfully organised for the past 37 years. 

Sunway University congratulates Dr Numan Arshid on this achievement and hopes that he will continue to inspire others through his dedication and hard work.