SUGSC Holds Corporate Talk Event with Hilti Malaysia

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Sunway University Global Supply Chain (SUGSC) held a corporate talk event with Hilti Malaysia on 7th November 2023. This event aimed to bring together the brightest minds to discuss, learn, and grow as a team.

SUGSC extends huge thanks to brilliant speakers, Mr Brian Sieben - Head of Sourcing Excellence, Ms Jue Wern Soh- IT Cohort Lead (Supply Chain IT), and Mr Tang Hong Kit (Jay)- Process Expert-Procurement, for sharing their insights and wisdom, making the day truly remarkable.

Also, SUGSC would like to give special appreciation to the dedicated Dr Stella Ong Kim Yoke for spending her valuable time participating in the event. The event was truly made vibrant by her presence

SUGSC would also like to thank each and every student who took time out of their busy schedules to attend this event and help make it a success. Stay tuned for more SUGSC events!