Sunway University to Host the Secretariat of the Panel for a Global Public Health Convention

Sunway University to Host the Secretariat of the Panel for a Global Public Health Convention

Sunway University is pleased to host the Secretariat of the Panel for a Global Public Health Convention.

The Panel is an independent coalition of global leaders who are committed to strengthening the global public health architecture to prevent future pandemics. Panel members are ex-leaders and senior experts from all continents.

Sunway University has a strong commitment to sustainable development, the SDGs and planetary health. The important work of the Panel fits well with our vision and ethos. And we are pleased to host the Panel’s Secretariat at Sunway University.

A memorandum of understanding was signed between Professor Sibrandes Poppema, President of Sunway University and Dame Barbara Stocking, Chair of the Panel to formalize this hosting arrangement.

At the event, Dame Barbara was joined by Ms Jane Halton, Dr Winnie Mpanju-Shumbusho and Tan Sri Prof Jemilah Mahmood on behalf of the Panel. The University was represented by Prof Poppema, Prof Abhi Veerakumarasivam and Prof Raja Affendi. The Panel’s Secretariat is led by Prof Elil Renganathan.