ECR Network Workshop Series: Literature Review and Hands-on Bibliometric Analysis

ECR Network Workshop Series: Literature Review and Hands-on Bibliometric Analysis
Sunway Business School

Sunway University ECR Network recently hosted a day-long workshop on "Literature Review and Hands-on Bibliometric Analysis", led by Professor Dr. Weng Marc Lim, Distinguished Professor and Dean of Sunway Business School on 14 August 2024.

The workshop aided the participants in gaining valuable insights into various types and methodologies for conducting literature reviews. It also included practical exercises on bibliometric analysis, guided by the speaker's seminal work in the field.

ECR Network Workshop Series: Literature Review and Hands-on Bibliometric Analysis
ECR Network Workshop Series: Literature Review and Hands-on Bibliometric Analysis


We extend our heartfelt thanks to Professor Dr. Lim Weng Marc for conducting such a thorough and engaging workshop. We are also grateful to all the attendees for their active involvement, which truly enriched the learning experience.