LinkedIn Workshop: Enhancing Professional Profiles for Career Success

Sunway Business School

A comprehensive LinkedIn workshop was organised by Resident Mentors Dr Stella Ong Kim Yoke and Mr Arumugam Muthusamy, with support from Sunway House (Student Residence), for the residents of Waterfront Residence, Sun-U Residence, and Sun-U Apartment. The workshop focused on leveraging LinkedIn effectively for professional networking, personal branding, job searching, and business development. The event aimed to deepen participants' understanding of how to utilise LinkedIn to advance their professional careers. 

LinkedIn Workshop: Enhancing Professional Profiles for Career Success

Ms Shareen Lee Yong Yong, a lecturer from Polytechnic Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, provided a thorough overview of LinkedIn’s vision and mission, comparing it with other professional networking platforms. Her presentation highlighted LinkedIn’s core values and strengths, offering practical insights into maximising the platform’s impact. Participants received valuable guidance on building a compelling personal brand and a detailed checklist to enhance their LinkedIn profiles.

Further enriching the workshop, we discussed LinkedIn’s features tailored to various career stages and industries. We discussed strategies for effective networking with professionals, the importance of regularly updating university activities to attract industry experts, and methods to enhance visibility for securing internships and full-time job opportunities. Our goal was to offer residents practical advice on how to align their LinkedIn profiles with their career aspirations and enhance their overall employability.

Finally, we would like to extend our gratitude to Ms Shareen Lee and Alexis Foi for their support, as well as to the residents who participated in the workshop and gained valuable insights.

LinkedIn Workshop: Enhancing Professional Profiles for Career Success