Music Performance Students Join String Masterclass with Lim Soon Lee

School of Arts

On December 8th, two exceptionally talented string students from the BA (Hons) in Music Performance had the privilege of receiving training from the distinguished Singaporean string specialist, Lim Soon Lee. 

This event, hosted at Sunway University, was not only a testament to the university's commitment to nurturing musical talent but also an opportunity for the broader Sunway community. Both staff and students were invited to witness this masterclass, providing a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into the intricate world of string music. 

Music Performance Students Join String Masterclass with Lim Soon Lee
Photo source: Associate Professor Dr Andrew Filmer
Music Performance Students Join String Masterclass with Lim Soon Lee
Photo source: NUS Arts Festival 2023 Website

Lim Soon Lee, a highly acclaimed figure within the scope of string instruments, brings a wealth of experience and achivement to this masterlcass. Throughout his illustrious career,  Lim Soon Lee has garnered numerous accolades, securing a multitude of awards for his outstanding achievements. He played a pivotal role in the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, including conducting at the 2017 SEA Games opening ceremony. 

His impactful contributions include directing the National Youth Orchestra. Since 2018, he has led the Nanyang Girls' High School String Ensemble to remarkable success, both in Singapore and internationally.