SBS Students Visit JCI Lead Tropicana for Global Opportunities and Development


SBS Students Helping Hands had a productive visit to the JCI Lead Tropicana office on 25 May 2024.

The international connections facilitated through JCI Lead Tropicana will open doors to global perspectives and opportunities, broadening our students' horizons and preparing them for success in an increasingly interconnected world.

The meeting with JCI Lead Tropicana's President, Khai Jie Lui (Kyle), Kelly - JCI Lead Tropicana Executive Vice President, Amber Lee - JCI Lead Tropicana Honorary Treasurer, Alex Ch'ng - Former VP Individual & Community, Commission Director of Treasurer and JCI Lead Tropicana Junior & Youth Director, proved highly beneficial for student development in four key areas: individual growth, business entrepreneurship, community service, and international connections.

These initiatives will provide students with direct access to a network of employers and entrepreneurs, fostering opportunities for internships, mentorships, and real-world business experiences.