Scholars Achieve 1st Class Honours!

Award winners

Heartfelt congratulations to our outstanding scholars from the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, Sunway-Teach For Malaysia, The Star Education Fund, and Sin Chew Education Fund! Your remarkable achievement of securing 1st Class Honours is a testament to your hard work, perseverance, and dedication to academic excellence.

We take immense pride in your accomplishments and the unwavering commitment you have demonstrated throughout your academic journey. It's truly heartening to witness the fruits of your labor materialize, and we celebrate your success with genuine joy.

As you embark on the next chapter of your journey, we have full confidence that the same level of commitment you applied to your studies will continue to shape your career and contribute to your future successes. May your professional endeavors be as rewarding as your academic pursuits, and may you continue to shine brightly in all your future endeavors. Once again, congratulations on this well-deserved achievement!