Scientific Approaches to Long-Term Solutions: the Desa Mentari Programme

Ong Pang Yen
Desa Mentari

We are thrilled to announce that Sunway University's Desa Mentari Programme has been  featured in The Star's Online's latest article, "Scientific Approaches to Long-Term Solutions." This insightful piece highlights our university’s commitment to addressing global challenges through innovative research and sustainable solutions. Sunway Group chairman’s office executive director Ong Pang Yen was heavily featured in the article, and he had this to say:

“We believe we need—now more than ever—to divert more attention and resources to finding solutions and to act on them now.“We need innovations, new inventions and interventions. We need to put to practise what we preach.

We need to work on and invest in the solutions,” he said.

The article also details Sunway University's sustainable practices, saying, 'Coupled with a community learning hub, vocational training and healthcare support in the pipeline, Sunway’s multifaceted strategy is taking the approach of empowerment – enabling the residents of Desa Mentari to become active agents of their own development, fostering a model of inclusive, community-driven progress.'

Read the full article at the link below to learn more about the Desa Mentari Programme and Sunway University's commitment to sustainability.