SMS Mathematics Colloquium #57 | Optimization: Key To Managing Complex Challenges that Arise During Crisis

SMS Mathematics Colloquium #57 | Optimization: Key To Managing Complex Challenges that Arise During Crisis

Travelling all the way from Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany, Professor Dr Stefan Wolfgang Pickl, Chair for Operations Research, honored the School of Mathematical Sciences with his colloquium titled, “Data-driven Decision Support in Complex Situations: IRIS Integrated Reachback Information System as Hybrid Optimization Framework”.

Professor Pickl’s fascinating insights from his travels across the globe developing critical infrastructure systems and disaster and emergency mitigation procedures, enlightened audiences on the functions of Topology Optimization, Game Theory and Optimization Theory as a quintessential tool to assist national policy makers in navigating complex challenges that arise during crisis.

The institution thanks Professor Pickl for engaging with our community and faculty! The School of Mathematical Sciences is looking forward to your next visit to Sunway University campus and further collaborations.

Our appreciation to Dr Cheong Huey Tyng and Dr Katta Ramesh for facilitating this exchange of ideals!
