Team Sunway Wins 2024 Malaysian Nationals University Debating Championship

Team Sunway Wins 2024 Malaysian Nationals University Debating Championship

Sunway Debate Club's Team Sunway made history by winning the Malaysian Nationals University Debating Championship (MNUDC) 2024! 

Held at UiTM, Shah Alam, Team Sunway triumphed over defending champions University of Malaya with a 5-2 split on the motion "This House Prefers Leaderless Movements." 

A huge shoutout to Raymond Kimura, Tanish Rajah, and Sim Yang Ming, all A-Levels students, for their incredible performance! 

This victory also marks SUNDEC's second major title in two weeks after winning the Taylor's Asian Parliamentary Novice Championship in late April.

Congrats to the Sunway Debate Club! Here's to more victories and continued success!