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  • Mixed methods approach to

    macroeconomic analysis

    and forecasting

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  • Institute for

    Global Strategy 
    and Competitiveness

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  • 8i Nature-Centric Ecosystem 
    Framework to address 
    biodiversity decline in ASEAN

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  • Innovative ecosystem approach 
    for water security and sustainability

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  • Behavioural science to promote 
    sustainable transportation usage 
    in Sunway City

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Assessment on the Sustainability of Tasik Chini Basin and Tasik Chini Biosphere Reserve



Tasik Chini is the first site in the country to be given the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status. This project evaluates the sustainability of the Tasik Chini Basin and Biosphere Reserve by assessing its current environmental status, threats, and restoration approach to accelerate its recovery and preservation of its UNESCO status. This ongoing project is done in collaboration with the Academy of Sciences Malaysia.