Research Centre for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilisation

Research Centre for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilisation



At the Research Centre for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilisation, we conduct comprehensive fundamental and applied research to address a number of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations such as climate action (SDG13), affordable and clean energy (SDG7), and industry innovation and infrastructure (SDG9). We aim to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) global emissions through the synergic effects of strong and sustainable international networking and collaborations with academic and industry partners.


To be a centre of excellence and world leader in niche research areas of carbon dioxide CO2 capture and utilisation through high socioeconomic impact research, high impact publications and national and international linkages


To perform world-class research and provide training and consultancy in areas of CO2 capture and utilisation, and translate this research excellence into solutions with global economic and social impact