Featured Projects
Access and equity in post-secondary education
Members: Glenda Crosling and Graeme Atherton
This project explores and comments on issues related to increasing higher education access for under-represented societal groups, and measures to support their successful participation in higher education. Current research examines various facets of post-secondary access to higher education in Malaysia, within the context of global inequality in access to higher education. Arising from the project is Sunway University’s convening of the ‘Global Access to Post-Secondary Education World Conference’ in October 2015. Selected papers from this conference have been made available in Current and Emerging Themes in Global Access to Post-Secondary Education, an Emerald-published book authored and edited by Glenda Crosling and Graeme Atherton.
The shape of ASEAN in higher education: Higher education in 10 ASEAN countries and how it supports international engagement
Members from Centre for Higher Education Research staff: Dr Graeme Atherton, Adjunct Professor; Professor Glenda Crosling, Head; Siti Norbaya Azizan, Associate. Member from Universiti Sains Malaysia: Associate Professor Munir Shuib.
The project, 'The shape of global higher education' was funded by the British Council and commissioned to the Centre for Higher Education Research. The study and the resultant report consider the policy environment in a ten ASEAN countries and the extent to which national systems support international collaboration in higher education. ASEAN member states represent a region with increasing intra-regional student mobility, several TNE hub countries, and increasing within-region research partnerships and collaboration. Institutions within the region are able to find crucial information to support further regional activities; and for institutions outside of the region, this study provides insight to support interaction with, and profile within the region.
The full report is available at here.
Blended learning in higher education
Members: Don Passey, Angela Lee Siew Hoong and Glenda Crosling
This is a collaborative project between Sunway University and Lancaster University in the UK, which investigates the uptake of blended learning by academics at both these universities. The aim is to identify successful blended learning approaches and to recommend enhanced implementation of blended learning. Funding has been obtained for this project from Lancaster University.
International students in higher education in Malaysia
Members: Ann Rosnida, Annyza Tumar, Glenda Crosling, and Ann Marie Houghton
This collaborative Sunway University and Lancaster University (UK) project is funded by Lancaster University. The research identifies and draws on the experiences of high-achieving international students at Sunway University concerning their study strategies that support their academic success.
Graduate attributes and transnational higher education in Malaysia
Members: Fion Lim, Cheng Mien Wee, Greeja Hemalata De Silva, and Glenda Crosling
Funded by Victoria University, Australia, this project explores the graduate outcomes of students in transnational higher education in Malaysia in terms of their post-graduation employment.
Student well-being at Sunway University
Members: Chan Nee Nee, Padma Priya Pillai, Ooi Pei Boon, Glenda Crosling, and Chi Baik
This is a collaborative project between Sunway University and the University of Melbourne in Australia. It aims to explore students’ sense of well-being at university and in their studies, with a view to understanding Malaysian students in university and ways to enhance their academic and university experience.
Creative thinking in higher education
Members: Mahendhiran Nair, Santha Vaithilingam, Munir Shuib and Glenda Crosling
This project was conceived in line with growing demands for graduates to be equipped with the capacity for creative thinking in the 21st century. A major focus of the project is the investigation of a societal ecosystem that promotes the capacity for creative thinking in higher education students. This had been published as an article in Studies in Higher Education in 2014. More recently, we collaborated with Universiti Sains Malaysia to host the 2017 National Conference on Creativity in Education and Humanities: Empowering People in October 2017 in Penang, Malaysia. Selected papers from the conference will be published in a book edited by our academics and Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Study on Enhancing Intra-ASEAN University Student Mobility
Members from Centre for Higher Education Research staff: Dr Graeme Atherton, Adjunct Professor (leader); Professor Glenda Crosling, Head; Siti Norbaya Azizan, Associate. Member from Universiti Sains Malaysia: Associate Professor Munir Shuib and Regional Higher Education Consultants
This study, funded by the British Council, was commissioned to the Centre for Higher Education Research. The project explores internationalisation in higher education through student mobility. Higher education plays an important role in ASEAN’s economic, political and socio-cultural development agenda. As a region it has nearly 20 million higher education students and over 7000 universities. Supporting the mobility of students in the region is an important aspect of ASEAN’s work on the internationalisation of higher education, consistent with the ASEAN Work Plan on Education 2016-2020 and the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025.
This Study looks at three factors crucial to enhancing intra-ASEAN mobility for university students:
- Understanding the data available on international students
- The role of visa provision
- Scholarship and ASEAN single branded scholarship (SBS)
The full report of the project is available here.
Future of Higher Education and 21st Century Learning Skills
Members: Glenda Crosling, Graeme Atherton, Siti Norbaya Azizan, Angela Lee Siew Hoong
In the ever-changing world, this study funded by Sunway University Internal Grants Scheme, explores higher education directions and activities globally and regionally in fluid environments and in particular in relation to the development of graduate attributes for 21st century.
Online Learning and Covid-19
Members: Glenda Crosling, Graeme Atherton, Siti Norbaya Azizan, Angela Lee Siew Hoong, Catherine Lee, Benedict Valentine Arulanandam
The sudden impact of COVID-19 in 2020 that necessitated immediate implementation of academic programs in full online learning mode in higher education globally has seen both academic staff and students make rapid adjustments to a new learning mode. This project explores the impact of full online learning programs on both students and staff and looks to ways to enhance the experience in the light of student achievement.
Curriculum Design for Enhancing Student Learning through Student Capabilities and Strengths
Members: Glenda Crosling, Graeme Atherton, Siti Norbaya Azizan, Angela Lee Siew Hoong, Catherine Lee, Benedict Valentine Arulanandam, Razwana Begum Bt Abdul Rahim (Singapore)
Identifying that in diverse higher education, students bring to their studies differing backgrounds, experiences and strengths. The project aims to explore the impact of these on curriculum design in the light of enhancing learning for all students.
English in Malaysia and Higher Education Studies
Members: Glenda Crosling, Siti Norbaya Azizan, Munir Shuib (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Graeme Atherton.
(In conjunction with Dr Mable Chan, Baptist University of Hong Kong)
Acknowledging the importance of the English language for communication worldwide, this study and the resultant forthcoming Routledge-published book chapter explores English in Malaysia in the past and current times, and presents recommendations for higher education to enhance spoken English language skills.