SMC Flow Cytometry Facility

SMC Flow Cytometry Facility



The BD FACSCelesta™ flow cytometer can rapidly and accurately analyse many kinds of cells, including lymphoid tissues (thymus, spleen and lymph nodes) and digested solid tissues. This multiparametric, single-cell focus of multicolour flow cytometry is perfectly suited to further immunological discovery of protein and gene expression, cell signaling, cell identification through surface markers, transcription factor expression, and intracellular cytokine secretion.


Main Equipment and Supported Fluorochromes

The BD FACSCelesta™ flow cytometer is equipped with blue (488-nm), violet (405-nm) and red (640-nm) lasers which have the ability to detect and analyse up to 12 parameters in a single sample. The cytometer is designed to fit on a benchtop and runs BD FACSDiva™ software, which streamlines the workflow from system setup to data acquisition and analysis.



The SMC Flow Cytometry Core, through its user group, attempts to provide researchers with the opportunity to access a wide variety of analysers that can best optimise their experimental protocol. Hands-on instrument training is available upon request. The training covers what a flow cytometer is and how to choose dyes as well as set up panels, gating, compensation and analysis.


BD FACSCelesta™ Service Charges:

 Type of serviceCharges
Internal UsageWith operatorRM 80/sample
*Self-operatorRM 60/sample
External UsageWith operatorRM 100/sample
*Self-operatorRM 80/sample



For more information on the instrumentation and services offered, kindly contact our Senior Flow Cytometry Scientists:

Dr Seyed Davoud Jazayeri
+603 7491 7603

Dr Lim Hui Xuan
+603 7491 7322